
Whether we are presenting, displaying thought leadership or networking with our fellow professionals, conferences remain the must-attend pharma events

Despite our world-class team and industry-leading insight platforms we recognise that healthcare is a constantly evolving, multi-faceted arena that requires strong partnerships to ensure excellence and compliance

We have found that some of the best ways to connect with our fellow pharmaceutical professionals are through attending, displaying and presenting at conferences across the globe. They give us valuable opportunities to show our methods, ideas and company values as well demonstrating how we influence the rare disease landscape, make new connections and enhancing exisiting ones

Insightful, inventive and illustrative ideas

When P4A attend conferences we deliver accurate insights, predictions and analysis of the big issues facing medicine.


17th – 20th November 2024, Barcelona

Payer perceptions of supportive evidence in the estimation of long-term durability for gene therapies in major European markets

Exhibiting Poster: Marco Crisci

What are the key themes and sentiments captured through social listening in response to recent changes in the Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy treatment landscape?

Exhibiting Poster: Sam Morrison (on behalf of Darren Callahan)

The key to success for estimating durability in cost-effectiveness-focused markets

Exhibiting Poster: Johann Sanseau



22nd – 25th October 2024, Barcelona

Roctavian: How not to launch a gene therapy

Speaking session hosted by Sophie Schmitz & Olivia Johns

Never mind the bo***cks, here’s the EUHTA Basics Workshop

Roundtable hosted by Darren Callahan



12th – 13th March 2024, Amsterdam

Patient Experience Data: Putting patients at the centre of rare drug development

Speaking session hosted by Samantha Morrison



30th Oct – 2nd Nov, Barcelona

The secret to convincing payers of gene therapy’s benefits

Speaking session hosted by Sophie Schmitz

Do early access programs always create value?

Speaking session hosted by Akshay Kumar

Milestone-based payments for gene therapies: sustainable future or a means to an end?

Roundtable hosted by Akshay Kumar & Marco Crisci



21st – 23rd March, Boston

Are you prepared for the inevitable? EU joint HTA and what it means for your ATMPs

Speaking session hosted by Akshay Kumar



21st – 23rd March, Amsterdam

Yes! The patient as a key decision maker in gene therapy

Speaking session hosted by Sophie Schmitz

Patient Experience Data: 3 Reasons Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Roundtable Presentation : Josephina Haberl & Fisentzos Stylianou



30 November, Brussels

Is Zynteglo representative for the ATMPs failure in Europe? Are EU systems broken for innovative therapies?

Speaking session hosted by Sophie Schmitz



14th – 17th November

Can any gene therapy be as successful as Zolgensma

Speaking session hosted by Joanna Fernandes and Sophie Schmitz

Patient Centricity is a Misnomer

Speaking session hosted by Sophie Schmitz & Neil Bertelsen



6th – 9th November, Basel, Switzerland

Current Changes In Europe Impacting Orphan Drugs Access: A Focus On The Latest Reforms In The EU4 &England

An Analysis of The Status of New-Born Screening Programmes In The European Union And Its Upcoming Developments



22nd – 24th March, Amsterdam

Patient Empowerment; ‘A no-brainer if you want a successful gene therapy launch’

Speaking session hosted by Sophie Schmitz



12th – 14th November

Bluebird bio: What went wrong?

Speaking session hosted by Joanna Fernandes and Sophie Schmitz

Pan European HTA 

Roundtable hosted by Akshay Kumar& Chloe Sheppard




Attended by Senior Management



11th -13st July

Hospital Exemptions

Speaking session hosted by Akshay Kumar



19th – 21st November

Attended by Senior Management



14th – 15th May


Poster presentation

By Ciaran Cassidy & Akshay Kumar



29th – 1st April, USA

A successful CGT launch

Speaking session hosted by Sophie Schmitz

Early Access Programmes in Europe

By Maximus Rex & Nicola Allen



12th -14th November, Barcelona

Learnings from Strimvelis

Speaking session hosted by Sophie Schmitz & Darren Walsh



29th -1st October, USA

Introduction to Gene Therapy

Speaking session hosted by Sophie Schmitz



10th -12th August, USA

Three pillars of a sustainable CGT world

Speaking session hosted by Sophie Schmitz



25th -27th April, USA

The Secret to CGT Success

Speaking session hosted by Sophie Schmitz & Christina Poschen



November 19th -21st, Barcelona

Gene therapy: cross roads or revolution?

Speaking session hosted by Sophie Schmitz


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Purple is Sophie's power colour

Sophie Schmitz

Managing Partner

Sophie is Managing Partner at Partners4Access, the global access experts for orphan drugs, cell and gene therapy. She brings a wealth of commercial and access experience across orphan and cell and gene therapies to the benefit of clients. She plays an active role in advising clients on price and market access strategies, with the ultimate goal of optimizing fair access for all stakeholders in rare disease.


Her 20+ year career spans various disease areas and medical devices, successfully supporting the strategy development and operationalization for orphan drugs. Her extensive industry experience across several product launches ensures clients benefit from that knowledge and build stronger access strategies as a result. Managing global, regional and local teams has provided her with the know-how to successfully face the real-life challenges in today’s orphan, cell and gene therapy world.

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Akshay is a big Manchester City supporter

Akshay Kumar


Akshay is a Partner at Partners4Access. Akshay has 13+ years of experience helping pharmaceutical and biotech companies develop market access & pricing solutions – which are aligned to their broader commercial, organizational and environmental context.


These solutions could be at the product, process and/or capability level. Besides market access, Akshay also has supported pharmaceutical companies in allied commercial areas such as – epidemiology, opportunity assessments, product positioning, product performance tracking, customer insights, and organizational design.


Prior to joining Partners4Access, Akshay worked at Huron Consulting as Senior Director – Orphan Drugs, Cell & Gene Therapy commercialization and at ZS Associates initially as European Market Access and Pricing Lead and then as Global Epidemiology Practice Lead. He holds a D.Phil (PhD) in Materials from University of Oxford.

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Joanna loves to travel and discover places around the world

Joanna Fernandes

Associate Director

Joanna’s main responsibilities at P4A include developing current and future landscape assessments, market research, and funding analysis, including innovative payment methods. Her key focus is on Cell and Gene therapy but has worked on a number of projects across a range of therapy areas, including immune-oncology, rare and ultra-rare diseases.


She has completed a B.Sc. in Biochemistry at Imperial College London, focusing on infectious diseases and biotechnology. Prior to Partners4Access, she worked as an analyst at Finalta, Mckinsey Solutions, allowing her to further develop her primary and secondary research skills.

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