
Amsterdam will be the new host of the EMA

Amsterdam has been selected as the new post-Brexit home for the European Medicines Agency (EMA). It was chosen in a draw of lots between it and Milan, after three rounds of voting had failed to pick a favourite. The EMA has been located in London since its formation in 1995, where it employs around 900 people. 19 countries had put themselves forward to be the new home of the agency after Brexit, with the number of suitors being a testament to the importance of the agency. (November 20, 2017)


  • There are fears that the move will result in a reduction in the number of applications for drug approvals that the EMA will be able to process, leading to a backlog and a longer waiting time for patients before they can access the treatments
  • Amsterdam was one of the top choices of EMA staff in a recent internal survey and hence the decision is not a particular surprise
  • The Slovakian government are particularly disappointed with this decision despite a strong campaign, eventually finishing 4th in the first-round voting
  • By choosing Amsterdam, the EU may have lost yet another chance to address the perceived geographical imbalance between Eastern and Western countries
  • The decision and aftermath would add weight to the criticism that, there is a perceived favouritism towards the Western countries – this will only exacerbate the difficult relationships between the Eastern and Western member states and could have a potential wider impact, including how the Union moves forward and evolves

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